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Miami-Dade Business Navigator

How to Leverage Small Minority Certifications to Obtain Government Contracts

Mon, May 2 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Topic: Government Contracting

During this session you will learn the following: - Understand the four main levels of government. - How funding sources can influence the type of required certification. - Understand which programs have set-asides and which have participation goals. - Learn what certification programs have had the most success and why. - Learn about Hub-Zones and how they help small businesses engage in public work. - Understand how to market your certified firm to the government and to government contractors. **************************************************************************** Pandan sesyon sa a ou pral aprann bagay sa yo: - Konprann kat nivo prensipal yo nan gouvènman an. - Ki jan sous finansman yo ka enfliyanse kalite sètifikasyon ki nesesè yo. - Konprann ki pwogram ki mete sou kote ak ki gen objektif patisipasyon. - Aprann ki pwogram sètifikasyon ki gen plis siksè ak poukisa. - Aprann sou Hub-Zones ak fason yo ede ti biznis angaje yo nan travay piblik. - Konprann kijan pou mache fèm sètifye ou bay gouvènman an ak kontraktè gouvènman an.

Speaker(s): Myrtha Wroy, Florida SBDC at FIU

Co-Sponsor(s): Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce & Florida SBDC at FIU

The event will be in English/Kreyol

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 3057799230


Little Haiti Cultural Complex
212 NE 59th Terrace, Miami, FL 33137

U.S. Small Business Administration

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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